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  • #5151
    Avatar photovancori

    I noticed that the number of characters used to describe the ref tag of a relation is five letters.
    For example: this route has a tag ref on six letters: “AVML16”, but only appears AVML1


    Best regards

    Avatar photoChristianK

    Hi Vancori,

    I set the refs to 5/4 Chars in the beginning of Mapsforge cause this was enough with the usual 3″ display at that time.
    Ok, with the new, bigger devices lets try 6 Chars with the next update.

    However, keep in mind that the chance that labels are displayed in mapsforge decreases with the lenght of the labels. Especially if there is a cycle and a hike route on the same way.
    We will test the 6 chars with the next update an I will switch back if there are problems with small displays.

    Best regards, Christian

    Avatar photovancori

    Hi Christian,
    I must to thank you for your always timely and precise replies
    I wish you a good work!


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