General-Map for Locus and Oruxmaps



For Locus and Oruxmaps there are general maps in zoom-levels 4-9 covering the whole world for download.
These maps are perfect for overview and switching to the detailed Vectormaps for navigation.

The format of the maps is sqlite (bitmaps) for faster handling in these zoom-levels.

  • Oruxmaps: Please decompress the zipfile and copy the whole World_OSM folder to the map-folder on the smartphone.[download]
  • Locus: Decompress the file and copy WorldOSM_Locus.sqlitedb in the \maps – folder on the smartphone (\maps , NOT \MapsVector!)[download]

While the first loading of the maps (or starting the app after copying the maps on the phone) these maps have to initialised – this may take a while, but only once.

Best regards, Christian