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  • #57116

    I was just recently driving in Oman and it seemed for me that the map does NOT include military=checkpoint elements.

    Could you please check, is that really the case?

    And somehow related – is there some post/wiki page/description, which has comprehensive list of items from OSM that are being included into OpenAndroMaps? I have seen a few topics requesting to add feature X or Y, but not sure about the proper full list…


    The same for police=checkpoint !
    I would like to see them on the OAM.


    Ahh, I just see, barrier=checkpoint should be shown. Unfortunately, it was not used in my country of interest.

    What about checkpoints without a physical barrier? The police look down from a tower or something and fish out some of the drivers a few metres away for inspection. The German mobile checkpoints on the border with Poland, for example, are not shown either.

    • This reply was modified 2 weeks, 1 day ago by Spartaner.

    Ahh, I just see, barrier=checkpoint should be shown. Unfortunately, it was not used in my country of interest.

    What about checkpoints without a physical barrier? The police look down from a tower or something and fish out some of the drivers a few metres away for inspection. The German mobile checkpoints on the border with Poland, for example, are not shown either.

    • This reply was modified 2 weeks, 1 day ago by Spartaner.

    Ok, the German Checkpoints are not mapped, so they could not be shown.

    In which part of the world does exist a barrier=checkpoint?
    I tried half of Africa and have not found one. But Africa is full of checkpoints.
    About 500 could be found with police=checkpoint

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