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  • #5672

    How should I modify the mapstyle to display camping at zoomlevel =10 ?
    I have tried to change the zoom-min value on this line but the rendering is not changing with oruxmap

    <rule e="any" k="tourism" v="camp_site" zoom-min="12">
    <symbol src="file:/symbols/s_camp_site.png" />

    thank you for your help

    Avatar photoJohnPercy

    This is hardwired in the map. In most maps of urban Europe from this site, camp_site does not appear before zoom=12. You can delay this until say zoom=14 but not make it appear any sooner.

    Voluntary and Velocity themes -


    thank you for your answer


    So I presume the same is true for power {,minor_}line-s, only present at zoom levels 16 and up? I’ve been looking for a map theme that would show power lines and towers/poles at levels down to about 12, possibly with reference numbers (if any). Am I lost?

    Avatar photoTobias

    Power lines are displayed with Elevate starting zoom level 14, and with Elements (Elevate sub theme) as soon as they are contained in the map, which depends on the tag-mapping. This can be somewhere between 12 and 14. But poles are not contained in the maps at all.
    Reference numbers are not displayed, and I don’t know any theme that displays them, but they are contained in the map. If you know your way around an XML file, it’s pretty easy to add this to the power line rules at the end of the xml file:
    <pathText k="ref" font-style="bold" font-size="12" fill="#000000" stroke="#FFFFFF" stroke-width="2" />
    Replace “pathText” with “caption” if you prefer more reliable labels but which aren’t drawn along the line but in the area.

    Developer of Elevate mapstyle

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