Dezember 15, 2021 um 15:05 Uhr #46326
TeilnehmerI live in a mountainous area where there are almost no routes, and forest roads are always „surface = unpaved„. Some information about the state of the road can be suggested by an accurately filled tracktype.
But „tracktype + smoothness“ can provide a much more integral characteristic.
„Tracktype + surface“ gives a lower quality characteristic in our area. Moreover, it changes during the passage of „grass-> ground-> mud-> grass“ too often and remains averaged or not filled at all by mappers, because there is no point in it. A more general and precise idea is given by the filled „smoothness„.This fall, I took care of accurately specifying in the OSM the characteristics of the paths in my area, along which campers ride a bicycle. Prepared a theme where different „tracktype“ is visible with different dotted lines, and the color was supposed to indicate „smoothness„.
But I saw that in OAM for roads there are only „tracktype“ and „surface“ and „smoothness“ is absent in tag-mapping.
Is it possible to include a “smoothness” tag for hw = track, service, unclassified in future maps?
this shouldn’t make the map size too heavy …
Dezember 16, 2021 um 15:59 Uhr #46333ChristianK
AdministratorHi Igor,
There is a limit for 15 tags on ways in Mapsforge.
Mapsforge writer stops/crashes if this limit is exeeded.
With the current tag-mapping we are on the limit – in Bavaria sometimes above the limit and have to filter and further remove tags.
Its impossible to add additional tags on tracks – sorryBest regards
ChristianDezember 16, 2021 um 19:58 Uhr #46334mbe57
ModeratorHi Christian, I lost track of the discussion with Emux et.al – is there a chace they spent a few more bits for the tag coding? Without blowing up the size of the resulting maps …
Dezember 17, 2021 um 10:44 Uhr #46337Emux
TeilnehmerThere are no plans (or resources) to rewrite the Mapsforge format,
which would be incompatible with the past.Separate categorized maps with fewer tags could be a solution.
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August 30, 2024 um 11:26 Uhr #56380tartiflette74
as ways that exceed the 15-tag limit can now be dynamically filtered with a priority rule, maybe the smoothness tag could be considered again? Sure, the existing tags (surface, tracktype, sac:scale, mtb:scale…) should usually be sufficient, but sometimes they are lacking while smoothness (especially smoothness=impassable) is present. Also, smoothness<excellent is important when rollerblading…
Thanks!August 30, 2024 um 21:54 Uhr #56381Tobias
Administratoras ways that exceed the 15-tag limit can now be dynamically filtered with a priority rule,
I think this is a great solution to prevent mapwriter from crashing. Now using it to add new tags should be not taken easily, as there are some things to consider:
– low priority tags are not reliable contained in the maps. This will lead to unreliable rendering of those tags, additional support („why isn’t this rendered at that point in the map?“) and increased map size with tags like smoothness (pretty common, but because of low priority won’t be added to a lot of themes)
– Which should be the low priority tags to consider? There are lot of tags that we denied in the last years because of the 15 tag limit: https://www.openandromaps.org/oam-forums/search/15+tag+limit. Should all be added? In which priority? Will they really be an enhancement to the maps for most users (as most won’t be included in themes)? Shouldn’t we give less controversial tags as smoothness a higher priority? https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Talk:Key:smoothnessSo that’s a big can of worms we’re talking about 😉
I think we should still be cautious and add only tags that would give a general benefit and are likely to not be on ways that hit the 15 tag limit – that would be especially highways which are used both as hiking and cycling routes, and I guess smoothness is pretty common there too.
Developer of Elevate mapstyle
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Januar 17, 2025 um 10:58 Uhr #57117lega4
TeilnehmerWith the current tag-mapping we are on the limit – in Bavaria sometimes above the limit and have to filter and further remove tags.
Is it possible to know the particular examples and which exactly 15 tags OpenAndroMaps use today?
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