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  • #53101

    Built up areas only appear at zoom=12, where as woods appear from zoom=9. This seems a bit odd, as you zoom out a whole city can suddenly disappear along with all the residential roads.

    Note in LoMaps the built area appear from zoom=10 which is similar to similar in on screen scale of zoom=9 in OAM.

    Attach are examples of this, the first image shows LoMap at zoom=11, second image switches to OAM which now indicates zoom=10 and has no built up areas, of course. Third image is zooming in to 11, still no built up areas, of course. Zoom in to 12 and BAM! The built up areas AND residential road detail suddenly all appear.

    QUESTION: Would it be possible to make built up areas appear from zoom=10?

    I think these area are largely covered by:
    <osm-tag key=’landuse‘ value=’brownfield‘ zoom-appear=’12‘ />
    <osm-tag key=’landuse‘ value=’commercial‘ zoom-appear=’12‘ />
    <osm-tag key=’landuse‘ value=’industrial‘ zoom-appear=’12‘ />
    <osm-tag key=’landuse‘ value=’residential‘ zoom-appear=’12‘ />
    <osm-tag key=’landuse‘ value=’retail‘ zoom-appear=’12‘ />


    Hi Karl,

    Thanks for your Posting.
    This restrictive tag-mapping is a heritage from times when resources on smartphones were close to none.

    I will change tag-mapping.

    Best regards

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