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  • #46003

    Hi all,
    My partner and myself are planning to hike the Lycian Way in Turkey. This route is embedded in the Turkey map file of OA maps.
    To make it easier for ourselves, we would like to change the color and style of this route.
    Is that possible?


    Such is controlled by the theme files.
    They are XML, i.e. humanly readable text youi can change yourselves according needs.


    Although the style is controlled by an editable XML file, the stylesheet cannot pick out a particular route.
    You’d have to generate a GPX for the route and import it to your map app as an overlay. You can even use Google to do that, I believe. Or you can generate a route in many of the apps.

    Voluntary and Velocity themes -

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    I gathered as much. Already have a gpx file, but those files tend to have issues, like small errors in the routing, alternatives etc. I assume that the embedded tracks are the official ones…


    Good point, John.
    Re. validity: this is all in the hands and minds of the OSM contributors. Some input sh.., but most of them feed good quality.
    So, you can take your GPX, switch on the routes in your app and compare. Then edit the GPX in your app.
    But not sure this is worth while, if the GPX is not too crazy.

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