Verschlagwortet: cycle routes, name captions
Mai 3, 2020 um 15:35 Uhr #35415
TeilnehmerI have noticed that cycle route names in V4 maps ( older Austria ML map,from July
2019 if that matters ) /Elevate 4 are placed very rarely by some unclear rules. It is generally very hard to find any, compared to the same country V3 maps/Elevate LE.I was successful in making a quick&dirty personal mod of Elevate LE, displaying ICN/NCN caption already in zoom 11, before RCN/LCN/UCN are displayed in L12 ( plus extending Z14+ RCN/LCN look to Z12-14 ).
But I was not successful in modding Elevate 4 to do anything with the rare caption displaying ( even if extending RCN/LCN zooming from Z14+ to Z10-13 was successful )
In case nothing is planned in this topic, can you point me to what exactly is to be changed in the route cycle captions ? I tried to decrease repeat-start and repeat-gap, but it did not help.
Libor Stříž aka Poutnik
Mai 3, 2020 um 20:35 Uhr #35428JohnPercy
I think you’ll find that (my) Voluntary theme shows cycle route route names with a greater frequency than Elevate. You can find the XML code in a section headed .Caption for Cycle-Routes in Voluntary Mapsforge. Feel free to copy any or all of it.
By the way, you may have noticed that LoMaps (v3) uses a different system for cycle and hiking routes than OAM maps (either v3 or v4).Voluntary and Velocity themes -
Mai 3, 2020 um 20:47 Uhr #35430Tobias
AdministratorWhat are you using, the latest Elevate 4.4.0 and current Locus?
For Elevate 4.4.0 I switched for route captions to pathText instead of caption. The latter was just a (bad) workaround, as those are more often placed around the route and not on it, and also very often. With the new curved pathText of mapsforge 0.12+, pathTexts are much more reliably drawn (I thought).
I mainly tested the new behaviour with hiking routes and used the same values for cycling, but you’re right, they aren’t rendered very often, maybe because cycling refs are often longer. I will test this further, and maybe change back to caption for lower zoom levels.
If you want to change it yourself, exchange pathText in the appropriate rules with caption, and remove repeat-start/repeat-gap.
Interesting that no one mentioned this before, as there was a test version of this for 5 months – seems like those captions aren’t that important 😉Developer of Elevate mapstyle
Mai 4, 2020 um 06:36 Uhr #35432libors
Teilnehmer@Tobias Yes, I use the latest Elevate 4.4.0 and latest LocusMap 3 Pro or LM4 beta.
@JohnPercy Thanks a lot. I have replaced the Elevate caption/PathText section by the Caption for cycle route from your Voluntary UK, and it is much bettet.But, I have replaced the min zoom 15 by 10. 15 is too late for me. If car road captions begin at Z10, why not captions for long distance cycle routes, if it is a cycling theme ? I want some available overview for long distance trip planning.
What is interesting is sometimes the captions are very frequent, sometimes very rare. At zoom 10, I have found just one for Eurovelo 9 ( The Amber path from Baltic sea to Mediterranean sea) from Brno to Slovenia border ( about 400 km ). For higher zooms it becomes better. I have not confirmed impression Path Text does not like vertical or ICN routes :-).
Libor Stříž aka Poutnik
Mai 4, 2020 um 06:53 Uhr #35434libors
Teilnehmer@johnpercy If 2 or 3 routes share the path, it seems it has tendency to display just one name, like for EV9+EV4 +GW-K-W(or GW-K-M-V?) Between Brno (Moravia ) and Moravia Austria border.
Libor Stříž aka Poutnik
Mai 4, 2020 um 10:01 Uhr #35436JohnPercy
TeilnehmerThat is correct and an unfortunate consequence of the way the routes are mapped at present.
Thanks for your comment about zoom-appear for long distance cycle routes.Voluntary and Velocity themes -
Mai 4, 2020 um 10:49 Uhr #35438libors
TeilnehmerAttaching a cut screenshot from modded Elevate at Z12, with less obvious regional routes and caption from Voluntary UK.
Libor Stříž aka Poutnik
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Mai 4, 2020 um 16:22 Uhr #35443libors
TeilnehmerOr some nicer picture at Z13, with 2 ICN and 2 RCN routes.
Libor Stříž aka Poutnik
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Mai 4, 2020 um 16:40 Uhr #35446libors
TeilnehmerFor completeness, the modded theme zipped XML:
Libor Stříž aka Poutnik
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Mai 6, 2020 um 22:26 Uhr #35504JohnPercy
TeilnehmerI’ve updated the Voluntary themes to allow the names of bike and hike routes to appear at a lower zoom in the respective styles. A useful side effect is to enable hike route names to be displayed for (v3) LoMaps whether mapped as names (more common in UK now) or refs.
Voluntary and Velocity themes -
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Juli 7, 2020 um 17:49 Uhr #37457Tobias
AdministratorI fixed the cycle route refs with current Elevate 4.4.1
Developer of Elevate mapstyle
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