Verschlagwortet: Elevate
September 30, 2021 um 12:32 Uhr #44941
TeilnehmerHi all, I have a question. Since the last updates, some 2 months ago, of BackCountry Navigator, all my maps and the Elevate style, I notice some disturbing behaviour. Often important names do not appear on the map, while less important names are visible (e.g. I see the names of districts of a town, but not the name of the town itself). This was always a bit of a problem, but now the problem has considerably worsened. For example, I zoom IN and the name of the town appears! Also, and worst of all, this behaviour is not consistent: zooming in and out a bit, I get to see different details for one zoom factor; in other words: what I see with, say, zoom-factor 16 depends on whether I got there zooming in from factor 15 or zooming out from factor 17. And even thát odd behaviour is not consistent! I mentioned a town as an example, but it’s the same for landscape details like names and altitudes of mountain passes etc. The display is so erratic that it really hampers the use of these excellent maps.
Thus, my question is whether this might be due to the new maps or the new style – or whether I should contact Backcountry Navigator about it.
Thanks for any comments!
MabelSeptember 30, 2021 um 19:49 Uhr #44946mbe57
ModeratorHi Mabel,
two things come to my mind here:
1) maps and themes are the input to the rendering machine of apps. Some use some version of mapsforge, not necessarily the latest, some have (had) their own version of it. What you finally see is the visualization of some kind of caching – very app specific.
I would definitely approach those app folks (B.Nav.) and provide them some test szenario for reproduction.
2) the unpredictable mapsforge behaviour (unless you employ their labellayer, which MOBAC cannot use) for settlements made me take control of their appearance myself – for the world maps you can download from OAM (see details there).
The whole world is available up to zoom level 11, most of Europe up to ZL 12, parts of it even up to ZL 13.
Even at ZL 11 you will hardly miss any settlement, and then go from there with the OAM vector map for higher levels. (I assume that B.Nav. has something like an overlay feature like all other major geo apps.)
So far my 2c.
MichaelOktober 1, 2021 um 08:18 Uhr #44948Tobias
AdministratorIn addition to Michael:
– Make sure that you’re using a modern theme like the latest version of Elevate 4; most issues with settlement captions are solved there
– In Elevate, you can also switch off all other captions/icons, so there’s no competition of rendering space with those
– The only issue left are tile borders, if a settlement caption is centered there, it can be erratic and only the label layer, which most apps don’t use, can solve this; but there’s nothing at map/theme level we can do here.Developer of Elevate mapstyle
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