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  • #54375

    As there are many spots to refill your bottles with drinking water, one doesn’t need to carry huge amounts of water. Currently, I have to open an additional app (e.g. MapsMe which is showing these POIs since when I am looking for nearby amenities. It would be great if OAM would show these POIs as well as you are my favorite map provider 😉


    Are you talking about POIs in the maps/themes or in the POI database?
    We’ve got many kinds of drinking_water POIs in both, have you any example that is missing?

    Developer of Elevate mapstyle


    Just learned about the POI (offline) search in OruxMaps. This is already better than nothing, but is there a way to always show it in the map/theme with reasonable size (the POI symbols as overlay are huge)?


    I just noticed it is actually shown in the map but only when zooming in very much. Would be great if this was visible already at higher zoom levels.


    Either use the POI database or a theme, which shows drinking water at lower zoom levels.
    For Elevate have a look at the download page -> variants -> Elements:

    With Elevate 5 Elements can help to find specific things in the map – just activate only the overlay which you want to view and not the others (e.g. „Amenities“ if you are looking for drinking water) and then all appropriate symbols are shown as soon as possible.

    Developer of Elevate mapstyle


    Thanks for the hint!

    Unfortunately, my OruxMaps keeps crashing after selecting „Elements“ theme. The only way I could find to recover is deleting all app data. Tried it again as I didn’t have any more data to loose and it kept crashing again. So I guess, it’s broken. Just downloaded the theme yesterday.

    In the few seconds before the crash, it looked quite nice. Did I see it correctly, that „Amenities“ also includes things like children’s playground or is there some more granular selection possible?


    We had something similar in this thread:
    It’s likely an OruxMaps issue, try changing some options, like:
    – Maps – Mapsforge settings – Apply hill shadows (to off)
    – Maps – Mapsforge settings – Single render threa (to on)
    – Maps – Mapsforge settings – VTM map viewer (to off)

    Developer of Elevate mapstyle


    In the few seconds before the crash, it looked quite nice. Did I see it correctly, that „Amenities“ also includes things like children’s playground or is there some more granular selection possible?

    Yes, the POI options are always several POIs, no granular selection – there are already probably too many options 😉 – sub-options would be nice, but that’s not possible. But for that the POI database is a great alternative.

    Developer of Elevate mapstyle

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