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  • #47445

    in the ELEVATE theme
    I have noticed that all the paths that are part of a route in stages are displayed with an abbreviation
    for example „Cammino di Dante“ becomes CD7 for stage 7.
    in this way, however, the main reference of that path is lost, which in this case is 409
    most hikers walk only path 409
    much less the complete path of the „Dante’s Way“
    even in case of rescue, the path number greatly restricts the search field.
    even in case of an emergency call on path 409 you have to resort to another cartography if you don’t know where the path is.
    the best thing would be to find this symbology on paper: 409 CD7


    The „Name“ of a Route is probably „Cammino di Dante 7“ in the OSM database, isnt it?.
    Shown on the map ist the REF Tag (as in waymarkedtrails)
    If no ref tag is mapped (lazy mapping) the ref is assembled by using the capital letters + numbers of the NAME of the relation/route (as in waymarkedtrails)
    Why: usually the full name is much to long for reliable rendering on mobilephone.

    Please provide me with the OSM-ID or permalink so I can check the issue in detail

    Best regards


    I’m not very experienced maybe this is necessary:

    the problem arises from the fact that all paths that have 2 RELATIONS have this problem
    Way of Saint Anthony, Sacred Forests and many others
    I am attaching the screenshot

    Thanks for the attention
    Corpo Nazionale Soccorso Alpino


    I don’t want to be wrong but it seems that priority is given to this information:
    network = rwn
    in that portion of territory you can find many other examples that have 2 or 3 relationships


    same area this path has 7 relations
    only the „Cammino di Sant’Antonio“ is displayed as CSA


    Cammino di Dante

    OK – I got it.
    However, there is no solution for this.

    Cammino di Dante:
    = Superoute REF= CD

    Subroute (eg. Nr 7):
    = Route REF= CD7

    So far so correct.

    However its impossible to show all the routes on this section:
    even the way 409 is tagged wit ref=419

    This wouldnt be possibel even if we would switch to show all Routes (I’v made such a Version of OAM and skipped it after several Weeks of working on it cause of this…)

    I’m afraid that we have to live with this….


    many thanks for the prompt reply.
    but how does the theme choose which relationship to display?
    it would be possible, by modifying my ELEVATE.XML file, to decide to always take the path number
    which is the basic information that interests me?


    but how does the theme choose which relationship to display?

    It doesn’t. It only display those which are contained in the maps, the preprocessing which Christian does chooses which route relation is shown, and also which ref.

    Developer of Elevate mapstyle


    thanks for the clarification, now I understand.
    congratulations for the excellent work done so far

    Corpo Nazionale Soccorso Alpino

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    however, I invite Christian to evaluate this consideration for the future:
    there are many hikers who walk along the individual paths which in all existing maps are indicated with their specific number (in my case 409) few are those who complete the stages of the CSA or AVP or CD.
    even in case of rescue, the calls always refer to the path number which never appears on this map in many cases of overlapping paths.
    Fortunately, in the event of an emergency, today we usually manage to have the geographic coordinates of the event.
    good job and thanks for the availability and for the timely answers
    Corpo Nazionale Soccorso Alpino


    Good morning everyone,
    I’m back to promoting my cause and it’s the only problem with Openandromap maps:
    the paths of several stages overlap with the names or numbers of the individual paths that comprise them.
    the latter, for example, do not appear at all with their identifier (in my case 409) but with only the acronym of the stage of the multi-day journey (CD7 = Dante’s journey).
    there are many hikers who follow the individual paths which in all existing maps are indicated with their specific number (in my case 409) few are those who complete the stages of the CSA or AVP or CD.
    even in the case of rescue, the calls always refer to the path number which, in many cases of overlapping paths, never appears on this map.
    If someone says it is located in San Benedetto in Alpe on path 409 on the map it does not exist with this name.
    if possible it would be useful to find it indicated „409 – CD7“
    good work and thanks for your availability
    National Alpine Rescue Corps


    I’m aware of this problem.
    However its not possible to show multiple routes – how to show 6 or seven different layers?
    This is only possible on PC as does.

    So, on a Smartphone its always a compromise.


    Thank you for your attention and prompt response.
    You already explained the problem to me the other time
    I just wanted to underline my position in the hope that in the future it will become a requirement for many others too: the priority is „409“ and not CD7.
    Congratulations for the excellent work you do keeping this map updated.

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