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  • #29358

    I ran into this multiple times while checking OSM walking points:
    Here we have an example node 43137258 with params:

    When looking in the latest NL vector map, with latest Elevate theme, with theme ‚Hiking‘, then it shows ’87‘ in the circle, instead of the required ’88‘.


    Thanks for reporting this issue.

    Thats a problem of preprozessing the cycle/hike nodes.
    I code the Number of the node into „name“.

    		<name>Filter Cycle+Hike Nodes</name>
    		<description>Filter Cycle+Hike Nodes allowed is 1*A-Z and Numbers, remove all other tags from nodes</description>
    		<match mode="or" type="node">
    			<tag k="rwn_ref" match_id="h_node" v="(^[A-Z,a-z,0-9]{1,3})"/>
    			<tag k="rcn_ref" match_id="c_node" v="(^[A-Z,a-z,0-9]{1,3})"/>
    			<tag k="hike_node" from_match="h_node" v="rwn"/>
    			<tag k="cycle_node" from_match="c_node" v="NLBE"/>
    			<tag k="name" from_match="h_node" v="{1}"/>
    			<tag k="name" from_match="c_node" v="{1}"/>
    			<tag k="layer" v="2"/>

    If the node is for both cycle and hike with different numbers the transform fails.

    The only solution would be to store the
    – number (ref) off the cycle_node in „name“
    – and the number (ref) off the hike_node in a different key wich is able to store arbitrary values, like „ref“ „addr:housenumber“ „ele“.

    This would mean to change all themes too.
    The other solution would be to dublicate the node = preprozess the whole OSM_File. While this is no rocket engenering it takes lots of time cause this means filtering out the cycle/hike_nodes, find double tagging, duplicate, remerge. This could not be done by tagtransform.

    : You opinion in this case?

    Best regards

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    like “ref” “addr:housenumber” “ele”

    Unless use Mapsforge maps v5 where there are not such restrictions anymore. 🙂


    Unless use Mapsforge maps v5


    Yeah, lets tell APP Developers to switch to V5 and


    some years

    ………. later
    Maybe my GrandGrandChildren…..


    I think V5 is worth a try 🙂
    I just checked compatibility with a V5 maps, it worked with those apps:
    Backcountry Navigator
    Green Tracks

    The only app that didn’t show the map was Cachebox.
    There might be other apps, but the vast majority uses mapforge 0.10 or higher. The big elephant in the room with V4 maps has finally evolved to use standards, so at the moment it looks like progress can’t be stopped 😉

    Developer of Elevate mapstyle

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    Sounds great. Myself, I use Locus Pro, so my hopes (and thanks) are high…


    You can call me a stupid old man 🙂
    BUT, I never have seen a major update without major problems.

    Actually we are to switch from V3 to V4 (dump old V3 maps) thats enough troubles for me, Tobias and the users.

    Even with switching to V5 we have to change the tag storing the „name“ of cycle or Hike_node, so the themes have to be updated.
    Please.lets stay with V4 and change the tag storing the number for hike_nodes from „name“ to „ref“.


    Till end of this year we have enough time to test V5 maps WITH custom arbitrarry tags once I dont have to update 280 maps any more cause of dropping V3 maps.


    With „worth a try“ I meant of course not a quick switch, but solid testing, e.g. just a try with a custom NL map plus theme, only difference being the cycle/hiking nodes as variables and no tag transform. This is an issue that is as old as OAM, with only very little relevance (this is the first bug report!), so we can take our time to fix it, and all the time that would be needed – even longer than till the end of the year 🙂

    I’m open for using ref instead of name, but this would also need new theme versions, so backward compatibility is in both cases an issue.

    I’m optimistic that it is a much smaller step than V4, as now nearly all apps support modern mapsforge versions. I was skeptic as you are before testing a V5 map :-).
    The only app with big issues for V4 was Locus (because of its own fork). And Cachebox 2 (the play store version I tested) isn’t getting any big updates anymore as Cachebox 3 is in development for years, this also supports V5 maps.

    Developer of Elevate mapstyle

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    So for now the solution of this issue:

    I store the number of the hike node both in „name“ and „ref“.
    If there are both cycle and hike Nodes tagged in one Node the „name“ tag of the hike node is overwritten by cycle Node (as it is so far) but the correct value is stored in „ref“ too an this persists even if there is a cycle_node.

    So IMO a smooth switch is ensured from July-Update on.

    		<name>Filter Cycle+Hike Nodes</name>
    		<description>Filter Cycle+Hike Nodes allowed is 1*A-Z and Numbers, remove all other tags from nodes</description>
    		<match mode="or" type="node">
    			<tag k="rwn_ref" match_id="h_node" v="(^[A-Z,a-z,0-9]{1,3})"/>
    			<tag k="rcn_ref" match_id="c_node" v="(^[A-Z,a-z,0-9]{1,3})"/>
    			<tag k="hike_node" from_match="h_node" v="rwn"/>
    			<tag k="cycle_node" from_match="c_node" v="NLBE"/>
    			<tag k="name" from_match="h_node" v="{1}"/>
    			<tag k="ref" from_match="h_node" v="{1}"/>
    			<tag k="name" from_match="c_node" v="{1}"/>
    			<tag k="layer" v="2"/>

    And yes, we will test the V5 mapwriter – of cause.


    With „worth a try“ I meant of course not a quick switch, but solid testing, e.g. just a try with a custom NL map plus theme, only difference being the cycle/hiking nodes as variables and no tag transform.

    OK, let’s do it.
    I’v set up a complete new make_fork to test maps away from all regular production AND resolve issues that ere unresolved for ages 😉 – like mtbnetwork..

    Here is the tagtransform for hike/cycle nodes (can be canged):
    the value of rcn/rwn_ref ist stored in rwn_refname / rcn_ref_name
    Maybe we can find different tag/valus for the base tags rwn_ref=rwn and rcn_ref=NLBE

    		<name>Filter Cycle+Hike Nodes</name>
    		<description>Filter Cycle+Hike Nodes allowed is 1*A-Z and Numbers, remove all other tags from nodes</description>
    		<match mode="or" type="node">
    			<tag k="rwn_ref" match_id="h_node" v="(^[A-Z,a-z,0-9]{1,3})"/>
    			<tag k="rcn_ref" match_id="c_node" v="(^[A-Z,a-z,0-9]{1,3})"/>
    			<tag k="hike_node" from_match="h_node" v="rwn"/>
    			<tag k="cycle_node" from_match="c_node" v="NLBE"/>
    			<tag k="name" from_match="h_node" v="{1}"/>
    			<tag k="rwn_ref_name" from_match="h_node" v="{1}"/>		<!-- for Mapsforge5 -->
    			<tag k="ref" from_match="h_node" v="{1}"/>
    			<tag k="name" from_match="c_node" v="{1}"/>
    			<tag k="rcn_ref_name" from_match="c_node" v="{1}"/>		<!-- for Mapsforge5 -->
    			<tag k="layer" v="2"/>

    If its sufficiant for you to include only rwn_ref / rwn_ref without rwn_ref_name rcn_ref_name its OK too, just say whats best for you (and keeping a least a little bit backward compatibility) will be available friday – download at gwdg in ../mapsV5/test folder

    Best regards


    Hallo @Tobias
    Tag_Mapping, Du kannst Dir aussuchen was Du daraus verwenden willst

    <!-- cycle_nodes -->
    <osm-tag key='cycle_node' value='NLBE' zoom-appear='12' />
    <osm-tag key='rcn_ref_name' value='%f' renderable='false' />
    <osm-tag key='rcn_ref' value='%f' zoom-appear='12' />
    <!-- hiking_nodes -->
    <osm-tag key='hike_node' value='rwn' zoom-appear='13' />
    <osm-tag key='rwn_ref_name' value='%f' renderable='false' />
    <osm-tag key='rwn_ref' value='%f' zoom-appear='13' />
    <!-- mtb_relations -->

    OK, let’s do it.

    You’re not as old as you think you are 😉
    The biggest issue with V5 maps will probably be the 15 tag limit…

    Edit: I’ll finish the current update first, then wait for the rendered map.

    Developer of Elevate mapstyle


    The biggest issue with V5 maps will probably be the 15 tag limit…

    For 100%.
    I tried V5 right after it was released – as I can see by the dates of the test_scripts I made.
    Could’nt remember why I stopped OAM_V5

    Now I know again:
    Rendered Netherlands with variable keys for cycle/hike_nodes.
    Result: Level 12 completely WHITE, level >12 single white tiles.
    Cruiser says: Invalid Tag, don’t show the cycle/hike nodes

    Next step: Rendering Netherlands V5 with standard V3 TagMapping.
    .. slow approach to variable tags ..
    However, regular June_Update is more important.

    As for 15Tags-Limit:
    This will kick in for shure when we take advantage of the variable tags for the ref/names of cycle/hike/mtb routes.
    It would be perfect to have seperate ref/names.
    – ref_mtb_route, name_mtb_route
    – ref_hike_route, name_hike_route
    – ref_cycle_route, name_cycle_route
    .. at least the refs would be fine.
    However seperate refs allone will add 3 more Tags to ways, a close call…


    Hi @EMUX

    I have serious problems to use varaible tag/keys as captions – are there restrictions?
    eg. ref_on_cycle_routes=%s does’nt work as caption


    It should work according to #1041, but it’s been time since then to remember and have not a minimal example available to check.

    In Mapsforge tag-mapping we mostly have %f for numeric values, used on 3D buildings in VTM.

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