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  • #55978

    I am planning to go to Algeria and do some on/off road driving into remote places. So far have been using conventional Garmin hardware with Tracks4Africa maps in southern Africa, but that will not work for Algerian Sahel and I need some help, having little knowledge in the map design field. An ideal solution would be to have a map, stored into a device that works offline, that map can support on road navigation (like conventional garmin maps) , but also show me the topography (topomapper has good detail of the area) and the with satellite layer (ESRI has a good resolution for the area). What hardware and software do i need and how to do it in a simple and reliable way. Any help is appreciated. Thank you!


    Go for Oruxmaps : I’m using it since 2016, it uses free offline maps for all over the world (that you can download from this link, and get updated ones every 4/5 weeks: Forget Garmin: it’s costly, old system and you have to pay for everything. With Oruxmaps you can use topographic maps with 10 meters accuracy altitude lines (once you install the latest version of elevate 5: And with elevate mapsforge theme you have the best topographic maps for every country in the world. Oruxmaps n.1!

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    I am using Locus 4 instead. Have Orux installed, too, for occasional testing.
    Competing apps, similar scope.
    Both can do what you need.


    Hardware: Android phone and/or tablet. For Algeria and neighbors even internal storage will be sufficient.

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    thank you , will try ASAP. Do you know if it works with android auto, i.e. can i use the car media big screen, or i need to buy samsung tablet?


    Neither has Android Auto integration yet. For Locus it is on the developer todo list for summer this year. Fingers crossed.
    A Tablet I would prefer even if there were AA available today.
    Enjoying today’s tour or planning next day’s under the stars with a tablet in hand …
    A Tab A9 will do for sure and is a rounding error against total trip costs.

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    have installed both and spend few hours already , Oruxmaps seems a bit more intuitive. Have installed the Elevate 5 layout, but cannot understand how to load it… so far :). or maybe only appears if openandromap is loaded first? The easy part was to get A9 tab, would be good if it had eSIM, but nothing is perfect, me the least…


    Have installed the Elevate 5 layout, but cannot understand how to load it… so far :). or maybe only appears if openandromap is loaded first?

    you must load the OAM map first and then, on the left drawer, ‚Mapsforge/VTM maps‘ section, you will see Elevate and Elements styles in the ‚Map style‘ list at the bottom.

    To adjust the theme options, use ‚Tweak theme‘ menu entry.

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    is there a way to make the Algerian map (or any other a hybrid) using the ESRI sat images for use in Oruxmaps?


    If I recall correctly, Orux can define composite maps, I.e. overlaying some. You can research that in the manual/help.


    is there a way to make the Algerian map (or any other a hybrid) using the ESRI sat images for use in Oruxmaps?


    on the map list screen, touch the + button at the top and then choose the option to create a composite map. Add the ESRI one as background map and then add the OAM one on top of it, no need to set transparency, you can leave it fully opaque BUT you have to select the option ‚Apply multiply effect to this layer‘.

    Open the composite map and, on the left drawer, go to ‚Mapsforge/VTM maps‘ – ‚Tweak theme‘. At the bottom of the list there is a ‚Map background‘ option, untick it. The OAM map will now be displayed without most of the background elements such as land use, buildings, … Roads and paths are still displayed.

    Note that that the look of the OAM map may change, usually displaying bigger elements than usual. This is because oruxmaps will force Mapsforge engine to generate tiles with the same size than those of the base map, probably 256*256 pixels.

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    thank you , i have been trying this, but can not locate whre the ESRI layer is? or I need to download it from somewhere and import it ?


    i have been trying this, but can not locate whre the ESRI layer is? or I need to download it from somewhere and import it ?

    as you mentioned ESRI, I was thinking you already had it.

    You must add it as a custom online map source.

    On ‚Settings‘ – ‚App storage‘ look where your ‚Maps directory‘ is located. On that folder there is a subfolder named ‚customonlinemaps‚. Save the xml code below to a file named ‚onlinemapsources.xml‘ and copy it to that subfolder – be careful, do not copy it to the main maps folder as you will then erase the built in online maps – and then refresh the maps list. The new map will appear under ‚LAYERS‘ – ‚ESRI‘

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    	<onlinemapsource uid="100000">
    		<name>World Imagery (ESRI)</name>
    		<website><![CDATA[<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>]]></website>
    		<httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>
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    i was using it in; , not in Orux, but let me see if i manage…, thank you again!!!

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