

Current version:
5.5, 17/11/24 (changelog)
last update of the map key: 17/11/24

Notifications about new versions: subscribe this thread in the forum.

Donations: The Elevate map style family is available exclusively on openandromaps.org to support this project.
Therefore I ask you if you like my map styles to donate via the button to the right to cover the ongoing costs of Openandromaps!

Map key in PDF format

Elevate 5

Recommended map style for OpenAndroMaps, compatible with apps that support mapsforge 0.19.0 or higher. If Elevate 5 doesn't work please try an Elevate legacy version.

Quick install in Android (recommended)
Default maps app*
* Default maps app: apps that support quick install in Android
Locus (zipped) Locus (unzipped)
Locus (zipped): for Locus Pro 3.56.4+ or Locus 4.5.6+, earlier versions should use Locus (unzipped).
BackCountry Navigator

Manual download (advanced)

Download Elevate.zip
Download Elevate_Locus.zip
Locus: Download incl. map key + symbols for map theme switcher

How to install & use for Elevate 5

Elevate legacy versions

Elevate 5.2

Last version with mapsforge 0.6.1 compatibility, which isn't maintained anymore.

Last update: 06.11.22

Quick install in Android (recommended)
Standard Karten App*
* Default maps app: apps that support quick install in Android.
Locus (zipped) Locus (unzipped)
Locus (zipped): for Locus Pro 3.56.4+ or Locus 4.5.6+, earlier versions should use Locus (unzipped).
BackCountry Navigator
Manual download (advanced)
Download Elevate52.zip
Download Elevate52_Locus.zip
Locus: Download incl. map key + symbols for map theme switcher

Elevate LE

Legacy version only for Locus while using V3 maps, which isn't maintained anymore and is only available, as Locus uses a different software for rendering V3 maps which doesn't support current map styles.

Final version:, 25/11/19

Quick install in Android
Manual download
Quick install

Elevate 2

Legacy version, that is no langer maintained and is only available to keep compatibility with all apps that only support mapsforge up to 0.3/0.4. New features of the maps will not be added, and there might be problems with future map versions.

Final version: 2.8.6, 08/10/18

Map style size
Pixel density of the display
Elevate 2
approx. 240dpi
Normal version (Mapsforge 0.3)
OruxMaps 6.0 (Mapsforge 0.4+)
Locus only
Elevate 2 L
approx. 320dpi
Normal version (Mapsforge 0.3)
OruxMaps 6.0 (Mapsforge 0.4+)
Locus only
Elevate 2 XL
approx. 480dpi
Normal version (Mapsforge 0.3)
OruxMaps 6.0 (Mapsforge 0.4+)
Locus only

How to install & use for Elevate 2

Differences in the map key for Elevate 2:

Variants: As there aren't map styles in Elevate 2, there are theme variants called Elevate_Hiking, Elegant_City and Elevelo_Cycling. All things that are possible with mapsforge 0.3 are still valid as is described for the map styles below. Overlays with switchable symbols or strongly emphasized hiking/cycling routes and public transport network, and also hiking waymarks, are not possible. Also very complex additions are not adapted.
Elements_Backcountry: All elements of Elevate and Elevelo (except mountain bike difficulty levels) are shown, hiking and cycling routes as well as the highly emphasized footways and paths in one map, as well as showing everything as soon as possible. Therefore the colored dots at low zoom levels aren't necessary. If cycling and hiking route are on one way the cycling route is rendered dashed above the hiking route so both are visible.

Routes: Routes use different colors and look different.
Hiking: International and national hiking routes are magenta. Regional hiking routes are green. Local and other hiking routes are yellow.
Cycling: International and national cycling routes are violet. Regional cycling routes are red. Local cycling routes are turquoise. Mountain bike routes are greenish yellow.


There are two different variants of the map styles contained in the downloads respectively:


I developed Elevate for mountain hiking in the alps. At first it was based on the standard hike and cycle map style of Openandromaps, but has been completely revised since. I added additional variants by and by for other uses, by user requests.

Everything should be self-explanatory without a key, as far as it's possible with the possibilities of mapsforge. Therefore I based it on the presentation on paper maps and guideposts in German and Austrian areas. Unified symbols and colors are used. At higher zoom levels names of amenities and areas are shown. As many things which are relevant for hiking and travelling as possible are shown without coming too much to the front or eliminating one another - e.g. big symbols or captions - therefore some symbols and captions are shown at high zoom levels only.

With Elevate 3 overlays were introduced which make it possible to switch certain elements on or off. Those can be chosen, as well as the map styles, directly within the app.
Elevate has been tested and developed with current versions of Cruiser and OruxMaps.


Elements is a modification of Elevate and is made for sparsely populated/mapped areas or countries, mostly backcountry usage, e.g. the outback of Australia, Iceland outside of the cities etc.
Elements contains the same map styles and details as Elevate. Only all content is shown as soon as it is contained in the map. Therefore the colored dots at low zoom levels aren't necessary.
In densely mapped areas this variation is not recommended, in those it is slow and unclear.
With Elevate 5 Elements can help to find specific things in the map - just activate only the overlay which you want to view and not the others (e.g. "Amenities" if you are looking for drinking water) and then all appropriate symbols are shown as soon as possible.

Map styles & options:

Elevate and Elements contain several map styles and options which can be chosen within the app (how this works depends on the app). The map style differ from each other in their purpose and in what can be displayed. Every map style has a different default selection of options which are selected, and for every map style different options are possible.

Essential to the rendering of the map style is how footpaths/cycleways/MTB trails are displayed - always optimized for chosen the activity, e.g. hiking/MTB difficulty is shown in the respective map styles.


Key aspect is to have good overview for all features which are relevant for mountain hiking and perceptibility of paths and track, especially their difficulty and character (or if there isn't any information about that). Cycleways which are allowed for pedestrians look similar to footways. As "Hiking" is the basis for the other map style characteristics like the display of landscape features are included in those.


This is a light version which is especially useful in cities, for example for sightseeing or for everyday life.
Neither hiking nor cycling routes are shown. The highly emphasized footways and paths of "Hiking" are discreet and difficulty and visibility is not marked. Cycleways which are allowed for pedestrians look similar to footways.
Additionally for better overview at lower zoom landscape and protected area names and colored dots are missing. Therefore this variation is most suitable for finding names of settlements.

A public transport network can be overlayed.


As this is a cycling version instead of hiking routes cycling routes are shown strongly. The highly emphasized footways and paths of "Hiking" are slimmer and difficulty and visibility isn't marked. Cycleways are strongly emphasized and surface information is shown if it's in the map data. Ways where cycling isn't allowed are marked with a turquoise cross hatch.


Based on "Cycling" this map syle shows MTB difficulty levels on tracks and paths, visibility of paths and MTB routes.


With options different things can be switched on and off. Since Elevate 4.5 certain letters are put in front as categories: [A] for areas; [P] for POIs (points of interest); [R] for routes;[W] for ways.

Map key:


- Black are peaks.
- Red are alpine huts.
- Grey, dark green and brown are landscape names.
- Green with white outlines are protected areas.
Other colors of captions are those of the assigned symbols.


I hope that the symbols are mostly self-explanatory. Additionally, you can find an overview image of all symbols including their names by opening the image linked below. This image is also included in the PDF map key available above.

Elevate symbols The colors depend on categories, which are identical with the POI options (since Elevate 4.5):
Dark blue: settlement names
Grey: landscape features, barriers
Black: amenities
Light green: sports
Pink: emergency
Light blue: accommodation
Brown: restaurants + bars
Violet: shops + services
Ochre: tourism + culture
Turquoise: public transport, car
Dark green: special buildings

Most symbols are appearing at zoom 14 or higher, some important points of interest are marked earlier by colored dots:
Red Alpine hut
Green Camp site
Pink Hospital

Public transport stations
Public transport stations are marked by colorered dots:
s_pt_bus.png, 343BBus stop (large: bus station)
s_pt_tram.png, 443BTram
s_pt_subway.png, 558BSubway
s_pt_rail.png, 555BRailway
s_pt_ferry.png, 564BFerry

Paths and Footways

Path Brown - unpaved path/footway (or path without surface information) without difficulty information
Footway Grey - paved path/footway (or footway without surface information) without difficulty information, on the top one cycling is also allowed (only in hiking mapstyle)

Hiking paths


Path difficulty uses the SAC hiking scale, however the colors here are according to those used in the eastern alps.
Additionally trail visibility (if it's available in the data) is marked by how the paths are dashed.

Hiking T1 Yellow - Hiking: flat or slighty sloped, no fall hazard, SAC T1;
in the example without information about trail visibility (if this information is missing is only shown on paths with difficulty information): long dash, short dash, short spaces
Mountain hiking T2 Blue - Mountain hiking: partially steep, fall hazard possible, SAC T2;
in the example trail visibility is excellent or good: very long dash, short spaces
Demanding mountain hiking T3 Red - Demanding mountain hiking: not always visible, may be secured, hands may be needed, partly exposed with fall hazard, SAC T3;
in the example trail visibility is intermediate: medium length dashes and spaces
Alpine hiking T4
Demanding alpine hiking T5
Difficult alpine hiking T6
Black - (Difficult/demanding) Alpine hiking/Via Ferrata: no trail, very exposed, climbing, glaciers etc., SAC T4-T6;
only with adequate experience, inform yourself about it before you go;
in the example trail visibility is bad, horrible or no visibility: short dashes, long spaces
additionally T5 paths dashes are broken vertically, T6 vertically and horizontal

Safety measures

On some paths fixed safety measures are included in the maps:

Rope A cable, chain or rope to hold on to; here the grey dots on the path mark the length of the area with safety ropes
Rungs Rungs, stemples, pins
Ladder A ladder

Via ferratas

Via ferratas are marked with thick grey bars and a green via ferrata symbol. Depending on how the data is mapped they can have two different styles:

Via ferrata Mapped as via ferrata
Via ferrata on path Mapped as a path (including hiking difficulty)

Hiking routes


Hiking routes are rendered below paths and tracks starting at zoom level 14, till level 13 transparent above them.
International hiking routes are blue.
National hiking routes are red.
Regional hiking routes are green.
Local and other hiking routes are yellow.

hknetwork.png, 36kB In this example an international hiking route in blue called VAA49 and a regional hiking route in green with the number 211 can be seen.
waymarks.png, 36kB Waymarks can be overlayed as an option, like the Jacobs mussel or the "E4" here; in lower zoom levels only a small symbol with the background color is shown. If a waycolor is given, it is marked along the trail with colored dots.
waymarks-gp.png, 36kB If waymarks is actived, guideposts are shown a bit earlier, and, if available, their reference number is shown right of the symbol in white with brown border.

Cycling routes


Cycling routes are rendered below streets starting at zoom level 14, till level 13 transparent above them.
International cycling routes are blue
National cycling routes are red
Regional cycling routes are violet
Local cycling routes are turquoise
(Inter-)national and regional mountain bike routes are green
Local and other mountain bike routes are yellow

cycle_network.png In this example an international cycling route in blue that goes from south-west to north, besides a regional route in violet.
mtb_network.png A local MTB route in yellow which also shows with an arrow the proposed route direction.

Mountain bike difficulty levels


Mountain bike difficulty levels are shown according to the MTB Scale, you can find all details there.
Additionally trail visibility (if it's available in the data) is marked by how the paths are dashed.

S0 S0: Blue bars on ways: no special driving skills required. In this example you can see how it is shown on tracks.
S1 S1: Blue-red bars on ways: basic driving skills required, obstacles can be passed over;
in the example without information about trail visibility
S2 S2: Red bars on ways: advanced driving skills required;
in the example trail visibility is excellent
S3 S3: Red-black bars on ways: very good bike control required;
in the example trail visibility is good or intermediate
S4 S4: Black bars on ways: at least perfect bike control with trial skills required;
in the example trail visibility is bad, horrible or no visibility
S5 S5/S6: Several thin black bars on ways: exzellent mastering of special trail techniques required or nearly completely impassable;
in the example without information about trail visibility
Hiking T1 Easy hiking path: Yellow bars alternate with brown bars: if MTB scale isn't available it is possible to mark easy hiking paths (according to SAC T1, see above) with an overlay. If and how those are rideable isn't for sure, and if it is allowed to ride them depends on local legislation.

MTB Scale uphill is marked by horizontal dashes under ways:

0 0: Blue dashes: 15% incline max.
1 1: Blue-red dashes: 20% incline max, the two bars with different length also mark the uphill direction - the shorter one points uphill.
2 2: Red dashes: 25% incline max.
3 3: Red-black dashes: 30% incline max
4 4: Black dashes: 40% incline max
5 5: Two thin black dashes: uphill riding not possible.


Forest tracks and agricultural roads are marked in Openstreetmap by grade:

Track1 Paved track
Track2 Unpaved track, gravel road
Track3 Track made out of a mixture of gravel and dirt
Track4 Track mainly made out of dirt/grass, some gravel
Track5 Track only made out of dirt/grass
Track Track without grade
Bridleway Bridleway

Cycleways and road surfaces

If a normal road (not tracks/paths) or cycleway (when using cycling/mountainbike) has a different surface than asphalt or another flat sealed surface it is marked as following, if the "surface" is included:


Cycleways have a blue border. This only means that cycling is allowed here. If the border is a continous line, the way is paved, dashed means unpaved or unknown. The picture shows an emphasized cycleway in the cycling map style without surface information, which is marked by thin stripes along the way.


Cycleway which might need a cross-country bicycle because of steepness/roughness (only in cycling mapstyle, not MTB)

cycleway_paved paved/asphalt
surface_smooth_paved paving stones or similar
surface_rough_paved cobblestone or similar
surface_compacted compacted unsealed road
surface_gravel loose gravel
surface_raw natural ground
surface_asphalt Option "extended road surfaces": paved/asphalt (on major roads white alternating with color of road importance, on normal roads just white)
surface_missing Option "extended road surfaces": no road surface information available
paved_emph_cycl Option "emphasized paved cycle paths" (Cycling)
paved_emph_footw Option "emphasized paved footways" (City)
bicycle_road Bicycle road

Access limits

Only those access limits are shown, which are valid for the mode of transportation the map style is intended for. In "Hiking" only if they are valid for pedestrians. In "Cycling"/"Mountainbike" only, if they are valid for cyclists. In "City" only general access limits.

destination Local traffic only - only when travelling to this area.
private Private road - only with permission of the owner.
no No access allowed.
acc_allowed Option marking of permitted foot/cycle paths: usage permitted - important for countries like England, where e.g. a track can only legally be used if it's permitted for this track
toll road toll road, marked by red dots
permit only use with permit (might be with costs), marked by green dots
Pedestrian area Pedestrian area or wide footways (possibly also cycling), if cycling is prohibited it's shown as above

Winter sports

To avoid collisions or not so nice areas ski and sled pistes are marked unobstrusively:

Ski piste Ski piste (with hiking path)
Sled Sled piste (on track)
cross-country cross-country ski-tracks


Fell Fell/Mountain meadow
Heath Heath/dwarf-shrub
Marsh Wetlands/Marsh
Rock Rock
Scree Scree, loose rocks
Scrub Scrub
Wood Wood, forest mixed
coniferous Wood, forest coniferous
deciduous Wood, forest deciduous
Glacier Glacier
Grass Meadow, grass
Farmland Farmland
orchard Orchard
vineyard Vineyard
plant nursery Plant Nursery
Water Body of water
intermittent Intermittent body of water (sometimes water, sometimes dry)
Military Military
Protected area Protected area
Strictly protected area Strictly protected area with strictly limited access
Protected Area, conditional limited access Protected area, seasonal strictly limited access
Protected Area, discouraged access Protected area, discouraged access (might be seasonal)
Protected Area, no off-road access Protected area, no off-road access (might be seasonal)
aboriginal lands Aboriginal lands
Cliff Cliff, rock face
Ridge Ridge, arete
Earth Bank Earth Bank
Gully Gully
Ditch Ditch
Dyke Dyke
Cutting Cut/Hollow way
Embankment Embankment
Tree Prominent Tree
Spring Spring
Minor powerline
Powerline/Minor powerline


Elevate, Elegant, Elements & Elevelo by Tobias Kühn

These map styles are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License. For commercial usage it is licensed under a Attribution-NoDerivatives License.

Please have a look at licenses.txt for reuse and licenses of resources used in this map style.

Contact: https://www.eartrumpet.net/contact/

Questions? – Need help? – Suggestions?