März 9, 2017 um 22:05 Uhr #16055womisaTeilnehmer
Hallo @Tobias,
Einfach öffnen und lesen geht auch mit Cruiser:
Wobei das User Interface für die POIs verbesserungswürdig ist.was würdest Du Dir da als Interface wünschen?
….Ok! Hat aber mit dem eigentlichen ThreadThema nichts zu tun und sollte eventuell in einen eigenen Thread verschoben werden.
März 9, 2017 um 22:21 Uhr #16057TobiasAdministratorwas würdest Du Dir da als Interface wünschen?
….Ok! Hat aber mit dem eigentlichen ThreadThema nichts zu tun und sollte eventuell in einen eigenen Thread verschoben werden.In dem Thread ist glaub ich fast alles off topic 😉
Da gibt es so viel zu verbessern:
– Das Name-Feld suggeriert, dass man nur nach Namen suchen kann, dabei werden alle Felder durchsucht
– Die Einzelnen POI-Formen sollten gruppiert sein, mit aufklappbaren Unterpunkten
– Eine Adresssuche mit Land>Ort>Straße>Hausnummer fehlt völlig, obwohl die Daten drin sind
– Wenn gesucht wird, kommt kein Pop-Up mit „Suche läuft“ o.ä.
– Man kann nur im aktuellen sichtbaren Ausschnitt suchen, es wäre sinnvoll, das mit einer vorherigen Ortswahl kombinieren zu können, am besten noch mit UmkreisUnd bestimmt noch viel mehr, am besten einfach mal mit anderen POI- und Adresssuchen vergleichen. Das ist nur das erste, was mir eingefallen ist. Das ganz ist einfach sehr rudimentär.
Edit: klickbare Ergebnisliste mit Entfernung vom aktuellem Standpunkt wäre auch schön
Developer of Elevate mapstyle
März 9, 2017 um 22:23 Uhr #16059Hans_55TeilnehmerDie Schummerungsdaten=Höhendaten findet man z.B. hier zum Download:
Das entpacken macht aber ziemlich Arbeit, um die man nicht herumkommt.
Die Infrastrukturdaten für den brouter kann man direkt über den brouter downloaden: brouter installieren, konfigurieren und starten: offline wird die routing-Funktion angeboten, online wird zusätzlich die downloadfunktion angeboten. Downloadfunktion wählen, Anzeige der Erde, Bild größer ziehen und die sichtbaren Quadrate anklicken usw….dann dowload drücken ..usw..
Zu dn Höhendaten:
Es gibt für einige Gegenden bereits genauere Daten (im Bogenmaß von 1 Sekunde), die man hier findet:
https://www.opendataportal.at/themen/geographie-und-planung/Gruß Hans
März 10, 2017 um 15:48 Uhr #16070bezelTeilnehmerOk, diese Höhendaten hab ich auch (in Kombination mit brouter) – wusste nicht, was Du mit „Schummerungsdaten“ meinst…
Mit den Dummy-Dateien muss ich jetzt mal schauen – bin mir unsicher, ob Gebiete-POIs 1:1 (OAM-LoMaps) abgedeckt werden, und es mit den LoMaps-POIs auch bei Abweichungen noch funktioniert (zB LoMaps gibts als Deutschland Nord und Süd – bei OAM mit Nord, Mitte und Süd…)Dezember 20, 2017 um 11:38 Uhr #21731GaouargasTeilnehmerHello,
I don’t speak german but I thought I heard that you are looking for a way to convert POI file in an other format.
If someone is interested, I have written a small application to do it. The results are a KML file by category.
I put an exemple of the exported file.1 Teilnehmer(n) gefällt dieser Beitrag
Dezember 20, 2017 um 13:11 Uhr #21734mbe57ModeratorGret news, Gaouargas.
So you did the first step in this conversion. Why do I imply a second step ?
KML files are not practical for huge POI sets that can comprise 3 digit MB of compressed data.
So, when thinking of Locus, building a <country>.osm.db file is a must. The data model is quite complex, but for POIs only a fraction of it would need to be used. The rest is for addresses and some operational stuff.
Would you be able to populate such a db ?
TXs and cheers
MichaelPS: if you do not have a Locus db file at hand, just let me know.
Dezember 20, 2017 um 14:54 Uhr #21736GaouargasTeilnehmerDear Michael,
I don’t know the model of a <country>.osm.db file. I will have a look to find information about it and tell you more later.
GeorgesDezember 20, 2017 um 16:09 Uhr #21738GaouargasTeilnehmerAfter some searches, it seems that the osm.db Locus file are generated using Locus own apps (http://help.locusmap.eu/topic/possibility-of-creating-own-poi-data-files-from-osm-database). Moreover, this apps was create earlier and this is why Locus does not recognize the DB created by Mapsforge generator.
So the only way to understand the Locus model is to do a reverse engineering on a existing DB.
If you have a DB, I can have a look on it.
GeorgesDezember 20, 2017 um 17:41 Uhr #21742mbe57ModeratorExactly, Georges, this was my point.
I am attaching a db file. Quite some time ago I had a look into its data model using SqliteBrowser. But my programming skills are a bit rusty and lack of time has deferred my activity indefinitely.
So I am happy that you are capable and willing to dig and craft !
Good luck and kind regards
MichaelPS: as a new Locus user you would be entitled to at least one country download, incl. POI/Address DB.
Dezember 20, 2017 um 21:09 Uhr #21745Hans_55TeilnehmerHello,
I don’t speak german but I thought I heard that you are looking for a way to convert POI file in an other format.
If someone is interested, I have written a small application to do it. The results are a KML file by category.
I put an exemple of the exported file.Would be nice to get this app from you. converting the .poi and importing this files to locus should be possible. BR Hans
Dezember 21, 2017 um 16:21 Uhr #21751GaouargasTeilnehmerHello,
I have a look on the senegal.osm.db. You are right Michael, the model is not very easy to understand. There is more than 50 tables (table = kind of file to store data) in the DB. To compare, there is 5 tables (in which 3 are really usefull) in the *.POI DB file downloaded on OpenAndromaps. I will continue to try to understand the model when I have time.
@Hans, no problem to share the app. The app is in french (I am from Belgium), I hope it isn’t a problem for you, if yes, i can translate it in English. I will put files on the net and send you a link to download it.
I will contact you when it will be available for downloading.
GeorgesDezember 21, 2017 um 21:10 Uhr #21767mbe57ModeratorHi Georges,
I screened the Senegal content on DB level a bit and this is my understanding:
– any City/Street/PostCodes/Regions related stuff can be ignored.
– IMHO needed are only:
— FoldersRoot
— FoldersSub
— Points
— Points_Key_Value
— Points_Root_Sub
— TagKeys
— TagValues
— idx_Points*
I.e. way less that 50.BTW: I removed all address related CONTENT (but left the empty tables) from the Senegal DB and the POI function in Locus works still 🙂
See attached.Dezember 22, 2017 um 13:42 Uhr #21778GaouargasTeilnehmerHi Michael,
I have continued the retro but without results.
I identified 5 interesting tables :
– Points : contains the name of the point and also a BLOB (in this you can store what you want as text, image, coded data…)
– Points_Root_Sub : contains link to FolderRoot and FolderSub to identify the type of point (root : transportation ans Sub : bus_station, railway_station)
– idx_points_geom : contains a point coordinates.
I can find the link between :
– Points_Root_Sub and FolderRoot & FolderSub
– Points_Root_Sub and idx_points_geom
But not between Points_Root_Sub and Points, so impossible to link the name of a point () with the coordinates of this point :-(. Perhaps also that the coordinates is in the BLOB in Points table but if it is, as it’s a BLOB, the data can be crypted…
I also find country relatives data in the metadata table. How to fill it for other countries…If I have well understand, the DB came with the map when you prurchase it. I suppose that some data in the DB are checked when the map is displayed so if you try to build your own DB, you have to put the right data in those fields. How to know what to put ?
Purchasing on LoMaps is a part of the Locus’s business (http://docs.locusmap.eu/doku.php?id=manual:user_guide:maps_locusmaps), it’s normal that they protect their job…
So I think that I’am staying with my KML, it’s too much work to arrive to make a correct BD, if possible it is…
When I have time, I will improve my app. For exemple :
– exporting in KMZ (KML compressed) : this reduce the weight and it can be imported in Locus too (you can try to ZIP a KML file, rename the file in KMZ and import it in Locus)
– defining an area and exporting only the points which are in this area.
-…During my tests, I have had some problem with special character in the KML file (as &, < or \). When you import KML in Locus with these special characters, it fails. I wash these special character during the conversion but it is possible that a new one isn’t yet treated (because I haven’t tested all the POI file…). If you have the case, give me the POI file and the category, i will add the special characters in the washing machine ;-).
You can also try to load the KML problemetic file in GoogleEarth, this will give you the exact position (line and column) of the problematic character in the KML file. You can correct it manually.It is the first time that I give access to an app so I put it on GDrive, here is the link to download it https://drive.google.com/open?id=1dPl1nXztyy037vNHwqufILfYL4Bf4Tab, I hope it will be KO for you.
It runs on my PC (W8) with my developpment tools installed. I haven’t test it on other PC (without developpment tools installed). Send me report if you have problem (missing libraries,…). It will be the end of year holidays, I may not answer right away…Bye,
GeorgesDezember 22, 2017 um 15:49 Uhr #21784mbe57ModeratorWell, Georges, without the worldwide community of OSM contributors, the Locus, Orux, etc, etc, would be nothing, they would not exist.
Protecting the sources and algorithms of Locus I can very well appreciate. Obfuscating data structures would be obstruction. And unjustified in the light of above.März 9, 2018 um 12:18 Uhr #22609GaouargasTeilnehmerDear all,
I have worked on my application.
You will find a new verion (1.01) in https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1HMxuZC_MS8N9gcVhbgpJMNRXNCV1LQxc?usp=sharing.
The modifications in this version are :- Internationalisation : French and English are available. If someone can translate in other languages, I can send him the list of terms to translate
- Possible to export in KMZ : very interesting, the POI database of Belgium is 95 Mb and the full KMZ exported is 16 Mb
- Geographical area restriction : if you are connected to internet, an OpenStreetMap is displayed. With this, you can fix a geographical area and only the POI in this area will be exported
- A little user’s guide to use the application : always useful
I have tried some export and import in Locus and all seems right. Say me if you have problem.
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