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  • #14307

    I noticed that there are missing paths in the andromaps maps as compared to original osm file, as seen through josm. For instance, in the map with the following bounding box
    path tagged with a SAC scale = “T1 – hiking trail” are not visible, while a path without the tagging is included. This is the only difference I see between the missing and visible paths. So far I have used maps without looking at the “technology”, so my question may have a simple answer. However, this is very annoying since critical paths are missing in the maps I use for my usual playground 🙂

    Avatar photoChristianK

    Hi Quintard,

    Please provide the OSM waynumbers OSM-IDs) in Question, it would save me a lot of time walking through this problem.
    As for “T1 – hiking” : this is a wrong attribute. Valid is “T1” _or_ “hiking”.
    In the aera I found numerous ways with a tag named “sac_scale_ref -this tag doesnt exist in OSM.
    This is a common problem with OSM-Tags – there are rules and some dont care.
    I try to overcome this by transforming common misspellings an local traditions but this has some limitations.
    I will try find a way to catch more of these misspellings.

    However: wrong or right sac_scale – the paths should be visible as simple paths (without sac_scale)

    So, please provide me with some waynumbers (IDs) and a link to the OSM-Map like this:

    I will try to find a way to resolve this issue.

    Best regards


    Dear Christian,

    Here is a way IDs of a path not visible on andromaps
    Way: 451930783

    A path with no sac_scale which is visible as mentioned in my previous message:
    Way: 293425324

    These are visible on the map:

    For information:
    1. I have tested with oruxmaps, theme elevate (and various other settings)
    2. I have also created today my own map file of the area using geofabrik france_latest, with osmosis and mapforge writer, both paths are visible.

    Thanks for your help

    Michel Quintard

    Avatar photoTobias

    Here is a way IDs of a path not visible on andromaps
    Way: 451930783

    This path is since 9 days in the OSM database. The latest France-South map of OAM is 11 days old (but the underlying data is some days older). So it can’t be in the map, unless Christian has a time machine 🙂
    There are lot recent changes by this mapper:
    So better wait for the next update of OAM, the paths should be visible then.

    PS – of course they are visible on the map you created with the newest data

    Developer of Elevate mapstyle

    Avatar photoChristianK


    4 minutes ahead of me :-))))

    So it can’t be in the map, unless Christian has a time machine

    … looking at my age such a machine would be nice – perhaps sooner than later 😉


    have a nice evening…


    That sounds like a very good explanation! I really thought these paths were older. Sorry….

    M. Quintard

    Avatar photoChristianK

    France_South have been updated



    Great job!

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