Schnellinstallation / Quickinstallation - Android (empfohlen / recommended) |
Manueller Download (fortgeschritten) |
OruxMaps Locus BackCountry Navigator BikeComputer |
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The files in this Table include all Andromap_## Themes (cycle/hike/hc/mtb/light)
The rendering of the mtb:scale on “official” MTB-Routes
- ••••••••• Brown: mtb:scale_0 or no mtb:scale tagged in OSM
- ••••••••• Green: mtb:scale_1
- ••••••••• Blue: mtb:scale_2
- ••••••••• Red: mtb:scale_3
- ••••••••• Black: mtb_scale >= 4
Color codes of highway=path|footway|track
- ——– Brown: no mtb:scale tagged (only for path/footway)
- ––––––– Brown / Green dashed: : mtb:scale_0 (only path/footway)
- ——– Green: mtb:scale_1
- ——– Blue: mtb:scale_2
- ——– Red: mtb:scale_3
- ––––––– Black / Red dashed: mtb:scale >= 4
- ——|——–|—— mtb:scale:uphill = 1
- —–||——–||—– mtb:scale:uphill = 2
- —-|||——–|||—- mtb:scale:uphill = 3
- —||||——–||||— mtb:scale:uphill = 4
- –|||||——–|||||– mtb:scale:uphill = 5