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  • #17391

    Much more information is now available in zoom levels 4 to 8/9/10:
    – country names are highlighted in ZL 4 (only)
    – country / state / region capitals are available from ZL 5 on
    – province capitals start at ZL 6
    – from ZL 8 up the information is based on OAM maps with Elevate background theme; public transportation networks are included, too.
    The intent of this compilation is not a maximum of beauty, but a maximum of information, bilingual as far as possible, to assist (international) travelers.

    Enjoy / comment / critizise, pls., before they are officially published by Christian some time later.


    Detail information:

    The world maps are compiled from following sources and contain the features listed, resp. feature changes between levels:

    ZL1: +
    Range +/- 85 degree, with continents and major oceans named in English. Continent colors represent vegetation, sea colors show the depth.

    ZL2: +
    Range +/- 85 degree, major golfs, bays and seas named in addition.

    ZL3: +
    Range +/-85 degree, in addition all countries names, and some major cities (yet only a few capitals). Different vegetation coloring, no sea depth indication. Most country borders visible.

    Range +/-85 degree, topographic coloring of elevation; country names and borders shown.

    ZL5: +
    Range +/-85 degree, vegetation coloring similar to L4, sea depths are color coded. Many base map names in local language (only). Country capital names are highlighted in orange and given in English plus in local language if available in OSM. Major highways are visible.

    ZL6: +
    Range +/-85 degree, similar to L5, major cities appear, as well as the country (orange) and many province capitals (yellow). Also major secondary roads become visible.

    ZL7: +
    Range 72 N/57 S, vegetation coloring similar to L5, sea depths are color coded. Many names in local language.

    ZL8: vector maps from with adapted Elevate theme
    Range is defined by the perimeter of the OAM country maps, in Canada and Siberia limited to about 72 d. N. Content is the well known OAM background content. Settlememt display has fundamentally changed, though: for each tile (fraction of a square degree) only the few largest places are displayed, with biggest place visible on top. This means that villages may be shown in regions like northern Canada or Siberia, while cities of 100,000 do not find space in metro areas.

    ZL9: vector maps from with adapted Elevate theme
    Same as ZL 8, incl. same selection of Settlements (but more space to display overlapping ones).

    ZL10: vector maps from with adapted Elevate theme
    Same as ZL 8, but more settlements shown per tile.

    Hill shading is applied for levels 1 to 7, except for the topographic L4.
    All country capitals (red halo) are shown from ZL 5 up, while province (yellow halo) and region (orange halo, italic font) capitals (ZL 6+) might be missing, as OSM has not all of them correctly tagged.

    Settlements are selected by amending OSM data (scripting) and using the OSMOSIS toolset. Countries and settlements are then rendered using Cruiser in a manual process, then overlayed with the OAM maps using MOBAC.

    All maps at all levels: (C) OpenStreetMap contributors (CC-BY-SA)
    Capitals extracted from OSM and amended; map created with MOBAC and Maperitive by Michael Bechtold

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