And there we go,


As all those who have ever met me probably guessed, my sense of order is stronger than my frustration and I have written a script for the resolution of the screwed-up super routes and integrated it into the process.


And because I enjoyed that typing so much, I changed the generation of the REFs (= short names of the routes).
Until now, the REF – if there were capital letters in the NAME and no REF-Value – was formed from these.
So e.g. “West Coast Trail” = WCT
Unfortunately, there are also relations which, especially in Scandinavia, had the path name_+vegur +vegen etc. in the NAME. This ended up in a REF that only consisted of the first capital letter.

From now on, the capital letters only become effective when at least TWO of them are recognised.
If there is only one capital letter, the first 5 letters of the NAME are used to form the REF.
So “Fjärilsleden” was REF=”F” until now, from now on REF=”Fjäri” – looks much, much better.


I did allow myself a new POI, namely the “E” charging stations relevant for EBikes without the obligation to consume (Pub,Restaurant…).
These can be found in the POIs under hike/bike, I think this is also of interest to one or two of you.
Here is the exact implementation:


Perspective: In the course of the discussion about the ICN/IWN + super routes, it came up again that the “big” routes cover the small, local cycling/walking routes too often – we are currently discussing possibilities to switch off the international routes, but this is an essential intervention in the structure of the maps and must be considered = this will take a little time.


So, I wish you a pleasant Summer

Best regards,

8 replies
  1. Tapio
    Tapio says:

    “we are currently discussing possibilities to switch off the international routes” – hmmm. IDK. In a way the theme author could deal with it. Currently I draw higher importance on top of lower, but I was considering to show multiple types via some sort of dashed lines.

    • Tobias
      Tobias says:

      At the moment if you don’t draw international/national routes and only draw regional/local ones, there will be gaps where the i/n would be, as only one route is currently on one way – and always the higher ones are preferred. So we’re talking about the possibility to have both i/n as well as r/l routes completely available so that it’s possible to switch one category off in a theme.

  2. giogio
    giogio says:

    This is a very good news! But the most important thing is that you a found a workaround ! Thank you

  3. Jean - Michel
    Jean - Michel says:

    Never Surrender
    Great News and congratulations for your persévérance.
    Glad to see Donate button is back, I’ll give it a hug right now 😂
    Many Thanks

  4. says:

    I am so happy OAM is continuing for the great maps & themes.
    So big thanks to Christian for making this step and all efforts involved!

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