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  • #34497


    ist es möglich, den “memorial:type” mit zu übernehmen?
    (Beispiel: https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/6796672875)

    Gerade die Stolpersteine (JA, sie sind gut und wichtig!) würde ich gern separieren. Weil es für mich nicht wirklich eine “Touristenattraktion” ist (wenn ich in einem fremden Ort bin und nach sehenswerten Sachen suche, werden mir erstml 500 Stolperseteine angezeigt)


    As I use a Python Script from this thread its on the Autor @cebewee (if he has resources for) to modify the script so that the appropriate fileds in the LocusPoi-Base are filled.

    Hi Christian, the script was written by Juergen; I just prepared a few patches (and am willing to produce further patches, if Juergen is willing to merge them). On this topic @juergenl — do you have any concerns about my patches for performance improvements? For me, it reduced runtime by a factor of 3, so I’d like to see them merged 🙂

    Best regards, Lars


    OK, ich habs….: rowid

    That’s also the reason why deleting entries might break the database: For some reason, the locus guys decided to use the ROWID as the primary key, but this is not guaranteed to remain stable.

    If you have time, you can experiment with adding an integer primary key to the Points table (which will then be also the ROWID). However, I don’t know whether Locus will be able to handle that.

    1 user thanked author for this post.

    OK, ich habs….: rowid

    That’s also the reason why deleting entries might break the database: For some reason, the locus guys decided to use the ROWID as the primary key, but this is not guaranteed to remain stable.

    If you have time, you can experiment with adding an integer primary key to the Points table (which will then be also the ROWID). However, I don’t know whether Locus will be able to handle that.

    For me it works, when I DONT compress the Database after deleting some entrys.

    But indeed, a “real” key would be much better. Why not use the OSM-Key? That would also solve the problem, that the OSM-Links in Locus route to a wrong entry…


    As I use a Python Script from this thread its on the Autor @cebewee (if he has resources for) to modify the script so that the appropriate fileds in the LocusPoi-Base are filled.

    Hi Christian, the script was written by Juergen; I just prepared a few patches (and am willing to produce further patches, if Juergen is willing to merge them). On this topic @juergenl — do you have any concerns about my patches for performance improvements? For me, it reduced runtime by a factor of 3, so I’d like to see them merged 🙂

    Best regards, Lars

    I merged your pull request, further contributions are also welcome 🙂

    Avatar photoChristianK

    Folks, thats great 🙂

    I currently try to look deeper into handling of the POIs in locus.

    What I have found is:There is a subfolder called camp_caravan – with no contend = no tags bound to this.
    There should be a connect to
    camp_caravan should link to [tourism=camp_site|tourism=caravan_site]

    Over all I don’t find where keys are assigned to the subfolders – when I look into init.sql there is ONE key assigned to ONE subfolder if I got this right ???
    IMO Menion established some preprozessing here.

    Writing such a init.sql from my Excel_Sheet where I store all tag_mappings and poi mappings would be easy.
    … once I know exactly the structure of these Locus pois.

    Question: whats the exact format the lat/lons are stored in the blob – I will try this in perl:sqlite just for fun.

    Another issue: Locus stores POIs from NODES and WAYS .NOT. Pois bound on RELATIONS – right?
    I didnt found a “R” identifier besides the “P” and “W” .
    So I can provide OSM_ID and [P|W] to link to OSM-DB but what should I do if I preprozess POIs from Relations (eg preprozessing these to nodes)?

    Its a long way to tip….



    Hi Christian,
    einfach nur Top und klasse gemacht.
    1000 Dank für die viele Arbeit welche du/ihr/als Team dort investiert habt.
    Habe mir probehalber die OAM von Hamburg runtergeladen und läuft super.

    Falls von Interesse, meine Konfiguration:
    Samsung Galaxy S5
    Locus Pro, Version: 3.42.0
    Karte: Hamburg

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Avatar photoChristianK

    einfach nur Top und klasse gemacht.

    Danke das Du Dir die Mühe machst dich hier anzumelden.
    So ein Lob macht die viele Arbeit von Allen hier tatsächlich leichter – im Ernst

    LG und noch viele schöne Touren mit den OAM

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Avatar photoJohnPercy

    Is it the intention to make the POIs truly multilingual?
    For me, using the Great Britain map and POIs in Locus, the categories of POIs show in English but individual POIs with no name show a generic German name. For example, unnamed letter boxes show with the name of Briefkasten.

    Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org

    1 user thanked author for this post.

    Hallo Christian, habe heute erstmals die neue Karte mit den POIs in Locus gestestet. Klasse, auf den ersten Blick funktioniert alles schon wie gewünscht.
    Ich habe in deinem Blog auf der “Home”-Seite gelesen, “es fehlt zB die Offline Ortssuche. “. Ist die Integration der Adresssuche (für Locus) technisch nicht möglich, oder würde es nur die POI-Datei zu sehr aufblähen? Ich habe geschaut, die österreichische oam-POI Datei hat derzeit 100 MB, jene von LoMaps 180 MB. Falls zweiteres, hast du daran gedacht eine um Adresssuche erweiterete POI-Datei optional zum Download anzubieten? Ist manchmal ganz praktisch offline nach Adressen oder Orten zu suchen.


    Hi Christian,

    you are right, there is a long way to go. Here is some information regarding your questions.

    Topic 1:
    camp_caravan: I made the script for my purpose and i did not need the camp_caravan, therefore i did not add the POIs. Just uploadeda new version to github which also translates these tags. There you can also see what needs to be changed in order to include it.
    Unfortunately there is a conversion from camp_site to camp_caravan which is a big messy if/else case directly in the code that should get some cleanup.

    Topic 2:
    As long as the folders have the same name as the OSM tags there is a one-to-one mapping. For same (e.g. camp_caravan, or education) this is not the case. There is a hardcoded translation list (in poiwriter.py) that will map the OSM tag to the fitting folder.

    Topic 3:
    If you are talking about the low level format of the BLOB then i don’t know. All the content is created with the spatialite extension (https://www.gaia-gis.it/fossil/libspatialite/index) where you just add the points with a normal SQL query and all the map translations is done in the library.

    Topic 4:
    In Locus each POI has a link “Mehr Infos bei Openstreetmap.org”. This is a hardcoded link in Locus that points to “https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/<OSM_ID>&#8221; (i did not see anything else).
    Regardless how the POIs are created (node, path, relation), the OSM_ID provided should point to a node that is related to the POI so that the link at least points in the right area of the map.
    Unfortunately i’m not too familar with POIS in path and relations, thats why the conversion from planetfile is implemented only rudimentary.



    Hi, for me parking spots are very important. Lomaps poidb has them, your poidb has them. But for some reason, a lot are missing, even important ones. Why is this? Some are only in OSM, but it’s not easy to spot them, because things like drawing order and minimum zoom levels apply, depending on used software and themes.

    Here’s 3 parking POIs which are not in your poi-db, one of them is not even in lomaps… Why is this?


    Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
    Releases - DL latest zip - Latest xml


    Is it the intention to make the POIs truly multilingual?
    For me, using the Great Britain map and POIs in Locus, the categories of POIs show in English but individual POIs with no name show a generic German name. For example, unnamed letter boxes show with the name of Briefkasten.

    Yes please.
    Ja, bitte
    Oui, s’il vous plaît

    Avatar photoChristianK

    Hi Jürgen,

    camp/caravan site work fine and I have updated und uploaded new poi files – Thanks

    Topic 4:
    In Locus each POI has a link „Mehr Infos bei Openstreetmap.org“. This is a hardcoded link in Locus that points to „https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/“ (i did not see anything else).

    As I can see in the Locus poi.db there are two “types” in point.table:
    “P” for node (means Poi ist tagged as node in OSM
    “W” for way (means that Poi is tagged as way in OSM

    I have added this tag in the Mapsforge.poi:
    tag k=”osm_id_link” v=”https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/ID-eg:29011809&#8243; – if Poi is a node
    tag k=”osm_id_link” v=”https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/ID-eg:731131369&#8243; – if Poi is made from a way
    So, if you check this osm_id_link for the presence of node|way you can fill in the appropriate P|W in point.type
    and the string after the last “/” as ID

    I’m pretty shure that Locus assembles the link to the base object from there the Poi is made in this way.
    if there is a “P” in the point.type.table as https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/ID
    if there is a “W” in the point.type.table as https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/ID
    IMO worth a try…

    The tag osm_id_link itself should not be included in the poi.db – this link is intended for ORUX users usind the mapsforge.poi db.

    If you could find time to change your program in this way that would be great.

    (Multilingual: I have no idea how this is done in Locus ??)

    Best regards

    Here you find the filtered POI.OSM, Mpasforge.poi, Locus.poi from Locus shop (see point.table, scroll down and you see the “W” in “type”)


    Hallo zusammen,
    wirklich ein schöner Schritt nach vorne für alle Locus User. Danke an alle die dies Möglich machten.
    Ich habe jetzt hier noch nicht rauslesen können ob Ihr schon das Repository von Asamm Software auf Github gefunden habt. Dort sind die Quellcodes für die LoMaps & LoPois veröffentlicht.
    Sollte eine große Hilfe sein um die POIs nachzubauen.


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