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  • #5396
    Avatar photoJohnPercy

    Revised rendering of tracks and unsurfaced roads for consistency and clarity; revised rendering of private roads and paths, and of “customer” roads; included kissing gates and turnstiles for new maps from OpenAndroMaps; reduced size of captions of monuments and memorials. Extras subfolder in svg folder contains alternative symbols, especially for dollar and euro areas.

    Voluntary and Velocity themes -


    I have viewed your .pdf file with interest. I should like to try your themes. I wish to ensure I do not cause myself difficulties when copying them to my ‘phone, however. I use Elevate 3, currently, that is at Computer\XT1039\Internal storage\Locus\mapsVector\_themes. I should appreciate it if you would inform me what folders and files I need and where to place your themes so that I have the choice of either.

    Avatar photoJohnPercy

    You can install the Voluntary theme from within Locus with little trouble.
    Main menu > Store > By Usage > Graphic > Themes – Vector maps > Voluntary UK Theme (free)

    The most up to date version (which includes kissing gates) has currently to be downloaded manually. The instructions for installation are similar to those on this site at

    • Download from this thread and uncompress it.
    • Copy the files to mnt/sdcard/Locus/mapsVector/_themes/

    If you’ve done this right the structure should be like this:

    mnt/sdcard/Locus/mapsVector/_themes/Voluntary Locus/
    mnt/sdcard/Locus/mapsVector/_themes/Voluntary Locus – bugfix/

    In your case, Computer\XT1039\Internal storage\ is equivalent to mnt/sdcard/

    The Voluntary UK theme is designed for clarity of display. Its colours are based on UK Ordnance Survey conventions and will be fairly familiar to British users. Even if you are not British, the colours and styles will probably work well for you. It automatically scales for devices with displays of different resolutions and symbols enlarge smoothly for higher zoom levels. The zoom levels at which various features appear has been adjusted to provide optimal information and reduce unwanted clutter.

    You can choose Hiking, Cycle, City, Road, or Multi style when you select the Voluntary UK theme. The City style is aimed at use in large cities such as London and has a less cluttered (and slightly faster) display at zoom levels 14 and below.

    Generally, blue dashes are cycle ways, green dashes represent dual use both on bike and on foot (bridle paths in the UK), and brown shorter dashes use on foot only. Blue blobs are cycle routes, green blobs are hiking routes. Cycle routes are indicated by blue dashes on the roads.

    The theme is designed to work well with maps from both Locus Store and OpenAndroMaps. Footpaths, bridleways and cycleways are indicated as overlays where they follow the path of a mapped track or pedestrian way if the map supports it.

    Included is the visually-similar Velocity theme for a simpler display with much faster drawing.

    Also included is Voluntary bugfix theme, which may be useful in some locations to reduce the extent of unwanted artefacts such as non-existent straight sections of highway. Unfortunately this is not scalable and roads will appear too thin on high resolution devices.

    Voluntary and Velocity themes -

    Avatar photoJohnPercy

    Updated key to show different grades of tracks and different surfaces of roads. Generally, the bigger the gaps in the track or road border, the less solid the surface.

    Voluntary and Velocity themes -

    Avatar photoJohnPercy

    Now updated in the Locus Store (free)

    Voluntary and Velocity themes -


    Sorry for obviously being thick but is there a version for orux? If so could you point me at the download.

    Avatar photoJohnPercy

    The Atlas version should also work in Orux. Currently in post 5396.

    Voluntary and Velocity themes -


    Thank you so much. Absolutely brilliant!

    Avatar photoJohnPercy

    The latest version of the themes makes use of the enhancements to OpenAndroMaps from October 2015.
    Recent Changes:
    Forest, wood, orchard, desert, glacier, desert, nature reserve captions now appear at varying zoom levels according to their size when using recent OAM maps
    Debugged military airports, woods and forests, widened paths slightly, tweaked rendering of service roads and living streets.
    Bugfix for access on footpaths in tunnels and private highways

    Voluntary and Velocity themes -

    Avatar photoJohnPercy

    And the latest version for the Locus app.

    Voluntary and Velocity themes -

    Avatar photoJohnPercy

    The version I uploaded yesterday required further tweaking of sea, coastline and riverbanks, particularly in the Velocity theme. Sorry.

    Voluntary and Velocity themes -


    Your work on this theme is splendid and much appreciated.


    I have been using voluntary UK with Locus but, now it is avaiable for Orux, – would like to be able to use that one. I can not find the zip file in this thread. Could you please send a link. Thanks for a great theme.


    PS. Sorry, found it now.


    Hi John Percy,

    Many thanks for your Voluntary UK theme which I have been using in Locus.

    I read that the theme now works in Orux and downloaded Voluntary Atlas and put it in the Orux mapstyles folder but can not get it to work. Have I downloaded the wrong theme, or perhaps this is not a comprensive theme like the one for Locus? The GB map from Openandroid maps works fine but will only use the theme incorporated with that map. (Elevate does not work either.)

    I’m sorry I have not been able to sort this out myself.

    Judy Allfrey

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