Elevate/Element is now the default Rendertheme for OAM
As announced earlier the renderthemes made and maintained by Tobias
- Elevate (for urban areas)
- Elements (for wider areas)
are now the default ones for the OpenAndroMaps hike and cycle vectormaps and included in the map-downloads.
The andromaps_## renderthemes are no longer maintained.
However, these themes are still provided for download and quick installation:
Andromaps hike and cycle themes
Andromaps MTB-Theme
Best regards
Hi @Tobias
As https://www.openandromaps.org/en/oam-forums/topic/elevate-updates-and-test-versions-news is closed to reply, don’t know how to inform that elevate 5.3 as some xml errors : http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-xml-names-19990114#AttributeNotUnique for dy
Hi, thanks for the bug report – I fixed it. Seems like I forgot the validator last time 🙂
you can use this thread for bug reports as well, the other one is closed because it’s just an announcement thread so that subscribers only get informed when a new version is online.
Best regards,