Google has once again complicated access to the SD card in Android 11 = it takes forever to decompress a render theme with the many individual files it contains for storrage on the SD card.


It is absolutely necessary that
Locus Pro users update to version 3.56.5
Locus 4 users update to version 4.5.7
even if they are NOT using Android 11.


Version check: LocusApp > Main menu > AppInfo

From next week on we have to save the render themes as zip on the smartphone and NOT unzip them. This requires the new Locus version, no matter which version of Android is used and no matter if the SD card is used or not.

Elevate 4.5With the new Elevate 4.5, there are lots of changes to the displayed POI symbols and captions. There are now more colors which depend on categories that are identical to the POI options. The categories have been resorted and all symbols have a more unified look. Also the mapstyle options now have category letters (R=Route, W=Ways, P=POIs, A=Areas). That all those changed symbols can be displayed at all I’ve renamed the symbol folder from ele_res to ele-res – the old one can be safely deleted.

You can download it here: