Was have happened at OAM till Nov 2017?
Yes, I know..
Kommunikation from my side to the OpenAndroMaps community could – and should – be better (by far) 😉
A lot of improvements happened during 2017 – OAM is’nt on idle at all, we are working hard to improve, add new Features, include external Data, aso..
Here a small overview about improvements so far in 2017:
- Abbreviations for Street / Place names in many languages for more reliable rendering (eg Street / Strasse > St.)
- Better rendering of cycletracks and lanes along roads
- Put_in / regress / portage_ways for paddlers included in map_data
- @Sonny constantly integrates new LIDAR (LaserScan) elevation data, wherever available for free, into the existing viewfinder/nasa dataset – resulting in the most reliable contourlines available on free maps.
- @Tobias constantly improves the Elevate / Elements rendertheme.
- Constant evolution of the multilanguage maps > now (eg) PidginChines works reliable
- Better redering of access rights and road surfaces
- Difficult scale (sac_scale) for mountain paths without restrictions
- Names for Islands / Archipelagos now render much better and at lower zoom levels – appearence is driven by calculated size of area covered
- @Michael works for a better set of GeneralMaps
- …
- Server moved to new, more reliable provider with up to date infrastructure
- Protokoll moved to HTTPS
- New version of WordPress theme with much better apperance and faster rendering on mobile devices
- aso..
However the best of all is about to come.
December update will bring a real great improvement for hikers and alpinists.
Best regards
Team of OAM
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