Merry Christmas with the new V5-Maps


The already announced new map generation is now ready to be released for download.
With this new generation, fundamental design weaknesses such as common hike/cycle route names or fragmentation of MTB routes in some cases have been resolved.

The new features meant a deep impact on the production structure of the maps.
New hardware on which the new V5 Mapsforge Writer from EMUX runs smoothly and a complete rewrite of most software was necessary.

Here are the new features in a nutshell:

  • The MTB routes are now rendered independently and according to categories (like the cycle routes) – this means that interregional MTB routes such as in the UK or the Granittrail in the Waldviertel are prominently highlighted.
  • Overlaps between bike and MTB routes are now neatly resolved.
  • Short names of MTB/bike/hike routes are now separated
  • The links between route nodes (NL) are now rendered later on
  • Dozens of OSMC hiking symbols are added….

What needs to be done on your side: An update to the render theme – when installed directly on Android in Locus, the theme is installed/updated automatically.

Thank you for your feedback during the beta test, where a profound bug was discovered and fixed.


Have a peaceful Christmas,
We wish you good health and beautiful walks in the winter-snow

The team of OpenAndroMaps
Tobias, Michael, Christian


6 replies
  1. Marco
    Marco says:

    I downloaded today Italy map update but now I don’t have names of mtb routes in Orux map.
    Can you help me?

    • ChristianK
      ChristianK says:

      Latest ORUX Version, latest Theme, switched to MTB-Layer in the Theme?
      Maybe @Tobias will kick in – he knows ORUX much better than me.

      If you would send me a permalink of the region in Question I will take a look.
      Checking random regions I cant see any issues.

  2. Martijn Berger
    Martijn Berger says:


    Even after the update to elevate 5 is still don’t have mtb routes in locus map pro. Since the big update I don’t succeed in to showing the mtb routes.

  3. ivan
    ivan says:

    ho installato le mappe V5 dell’italia su ORUXMAP.
    SONO SCOMPARSI TUTTI I NOMI DEI SENTIERI (con qualsiasi tema mapforge provo a caricare ottengo lo stesso risultato, di solito uso TIRAMISU)
    se ricarico le mappe versione 4 tutto torna a posto.
    cosa posso fare per risolvere il problema ?


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