New maps for Canada
The long awaited maps for Canada are now available, only Ontario and the NW-Territories + Novanut are still mising and will be added ASAP.
Now available:
- Alberta
- British-Columbia (complete coverage)
- Saskatchewan
- Vancouver
- Manitoba
- Quebec_North, incl. Newfoundland
- Quebec_South, incl. Nova Scotia und New Brunswick
- Yukon
If there are Problems with these maps please drop me a line with a permalink of the region in question – the datastructure of the millions of lakes in some areas are most complicted (Monster relations with thousands of members) and may lead to problems with mapsforge.
Thanks Christian for the work looking into this.
I have done a little bit of clean up in my area of the water mentioned and did notice that it seemed to be mapped a little strange.
If I understood what it meant to clean this thing up, I’d like to lend a hand. What do I need to do to contribute to a fix?
Hi Marvin,
Common mistakes are:
natural=water within natural=water realtion.
I’v seen several water areas with attribute intermittent WITHIN a natural=water relation. This makes no sense and confuses rederer.
Basicly overlapping relations are not good for Vectormaps, however the latest version of the mapsforge-writer is not so strikt as ist was before.
There are too several common mistakes like non-closed ways with natural/landuse keys aso..
Best is to check an area with JOSM checkertool and have an eye on OSMI concerning geometry problems/warmings.
This time ist was relativ easy to fix it – for lake geneve I needed months till I found a real tiny mistake.
Best regards
I’v taken a brief look at Lake Winnipeg.
The mapping of the Lake is OK – means that the realtion in the database is fine.
There are countless overlapping wetlands/water areas, even water areas within water areas.
Esp. in the most southern part of the Lake this is horrible.
Every mapper here did a fine job for the elements he/she added.
BUT they have not taken lots of caution for playing together.
I’v cleared the Lake from North down Western part – but I won’t clear the southern end (maybe in winter, off biking season 😉 ) , this would take several weekends to finish. Best would be to delete all wetlands/water_ares and make everything new.
And: These issues are reported by most mapping tools before upload of new/modified data….
Best regards
FYI – The Manitoba map is corrupt. Lake Winnipeg is ‘blank’ and the islands inside it are all coloured as water. Makes for a very bizarre map.
Thats the worst case that can happen with mapsforge maps
= huge relations with errors in Database.
While Mapnik (the OSM Tileserver) is forgiving (much too forgiving) and tries to render these broken relations – Mapsforge (the Renderer for Vectormaps) dont like these errors and skips such a relation completely.
Possible errors: self intersections, overlapping with other multipolygons (found some wetlands on lake area), aso
Its a horror to find such errors, so i can’t promise you that wis will be resolved soon – I dont have the resources to debug this.
And, often when I notice a broken relation the “ID”-Editor is involved…
So sorry, but its not in my hands to resolve this.
Maybe you get in contact with one of the mappers involved with this relation and ask him for help.
Best regards
Issue solved, a new map is online and ready for download.
Thanks for reporting the problem!
Best regards