USA+CDN now with 1″ Contourlines

, has released high resolution 1″ elevation data for North America.
This means that for the USA and Canada a new OpenAndroMaps map set with more accurate contour lines is now available.

The file sizes have of course increased but the added value of information for hikers and cyclists outweighs this by far.
Especially ditches and ridges can be estimated much better with the 30m grid of the 1″ data than with the previous 90m grid of the 3″ elevation data.

The following maps were split to keep file sizes in reasonable limits:

BritishColumbia complete > BC/North + BC/South
UtahColorado > Utah + Colorado
CarolinaGeorgiaFlorida > CarolinaGeorgia + Florida


Best regards, Christian

1 reply
  1. @afgb1977
    @afgb1977 says:

    Hello. Since February 2020 NASA has released its Arc 1″ DEM files in different formats for the entire planet. These files can be used freely. I use the DEM .hgt 1″ in OruxMaps.

    Data is accessible by creating a free user account for NASA products.

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